
Corona, California is a city located in Riverside County, California. As of 2020, the population of Corona was estimated to be 169,868, making it the 10th largest city in Riverside County.

Population and Demographics

According to the 2020 census, Corona had a population of 169,868 people. Corona has seen significant population growth, with the population nearly doubling since 2000 when it stood at 124,966 residents.

Corona has a relatively young population, with a median age of 34.2 years old. 30.4% of the population is under the age of 18. 64.7% of residents are between the ages of 18 and 64, while just 10.7% of the population is aged 65 or older.

The racial makeup of Corona is:

  • 57.3% Hispanic or Latino
  • 32.5% White
  • 6.1% Asian
  • 3.1% Black or African American
  • 0.4% Native American
  • 3.2% Other races

38.4% of Corona residents are foreign-born. 60.3% of residents speak a language other than English at home, with 49% speaking Spanish.

Economy and Major Employers

Some of the top employers and major industries in Corona include:

Some of the major industries that drive Corona’s economy include retail, healthcare, education, manufacturing, and construction. Many residents also commute to jobs located in Orange County or Los Angeles.


Some of the notable landmarks and points of interest in Corona include:

Sports Teams

Corona’s local professional sports team is the Inland Empire 66ers baseball team. The 66ers are a Minor League Baseball team that plays at San Manuel Stadium in downtown Corona. They are an affiliate of the Los Angeles Angels.

Corona is also home to several minor and junior league sports teams, including:


Some of the top attractions bringing in tourists to Corona include:

Corona attracts visitors due to its historic downtown area, parks, museums, and proximity to popular southern California attractions like Disneyland and the beach.


You can follow the latest news and events in Corona by liking the city’s official Facebook page.